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Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature

"Of all the recent books on the subject of Medical Ethics, this is far and away the best for anyone interested in the way in which Medical Ethics and Literature are related to one another. The author has used a number of great works to illustrate the theory and practice of Medical Ethics. Her book surely will be used by students and practitioners of medicine and literature. As one who has participated in both of these disciplines, I recommend it highly." --Richard Selzer

Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature

"'Man's Greatest Pleasure': Dr. Richard Selzer, as Patient"

Richard Selzer had just come home from a long speaking tour, including Hawaii and Texas, when he suddently collapsed on his study floor. He was taken by ambulance to Yale-New Haven Hospital. It was Easter Sunday.

"'A Question of Mercy': Comparing Current and Past Incidents of Physician-Assisted Suicide"

Learning from earlier incidents, other states are now legalizing PAS.